Frame 1
The structure is supposed to seem like a mirror of the metropolitan sky. It has a two-story glass façade that extends over the street. The building also has an elevator with a transparent glass box at the top and bottom of the shaft. This building's architecture is unusual and modern, and it is intended to draw visitors to its company.

Frame 2
This building's façade distinguishes it from its competitors. The transparent glass walls are a perfect example of how You can incorporate modern design into buildings. The building's entryway is quite pleasant and inviting. The foyer is entered by two massive glass doors. The lobby has a very sleek and modern design with an open ceiling, making it feel like you are at the top of the building.

Frame 3
With its sleek and modern decorating style developed by our firm, the inside of the building is equally as attractive as the outside.The building comprises three floors and is surrounded by a garden. It's modern, sleek, and well-designed. The commercial building features ethereal design that is both visually appealing and useful. The design of the building is inspired by the concept of "elements," which are used in nature and many other architectural designs